Superior semicircular canal dehiscence

Superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) is a rare medical condition where there is an abnormal opening or thinning in the bone covering the superior semicircular canal of the inner ear. This canal is one of the three semicircular canals responsible for detecting rotational movements of the head and maintaining balance.

In SSCD, the dehiscence (opening) in the bone can lead to abnormal communication between the inner ear and surrounding structures, causing various symptoms such as:

Vertigo: Individuals with SSCD may experience vertigo or dizziness, often triggered by loud noises or changes in middle ear or intracranial pressure.

Dizziness or imbalance: Some individuals may feel unsteady or imbalanced, particularly in situations where pressure changes, such as during straining, coughing, or sneezing.

Hearing symptoms: While hearing loss is not a common symptom of SSCD, individuals may experience certain auditory symptoms such as sensitivity to sound (hyperacusis) or hearing one's own voice abnormally loud (autophony).

Pulsatile tinnitus: Some individuals may experience a pulsing or rhythmic sound in the affected ear, which can be synchronous with the heartbeat.

Diagnosis of SSCD involves a combination of clinical history, physical examination, and specialized tests such a VNG (videonystagmography) and/or a CT scan to confirm the presence of a dehiscence in the superior semicircular canal.

Treatment for SSCD may include conservative management, such as lifestyle modifications to avoid triggers, vestibular rehabilitation therapy, and use of hearing protection to minimize sound-induced symptoms. In cases where symptoms are severe or significantly affect quality of life, surgical repair of the dehiscence may be considered. However, the decision for surgical intervention is based on individual symptoms, severity, and patient preferences, and should be discussed with a healthcare provider experienced in managing SSCD.

Surgeons who treat this condition: