Nicole Reynolds, PsyD
Practice Locations
UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH)
12605 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045720-848-0000
Provider Expertise
Clinical Interest for Patients
My clinical work emphasizes the interconnection between physical illness and mental health symptoms.
Care Philosophy
It is my belief that the mind and body are inextricably connected to one another. I approach patients from a biopsychosocial perspective and I strive to provide patient-centered, highly quality care to all my patients.
- Psychiatry
Education & Training
Undergraduate Schools
BA, Clemson University (SC) (2007)
Graduate Schools
PsyD, Argosy University, Atlanta (2014)
Residency Program
Henry Ford Hospital Program (2014)
information for referring providers
Referral Contact Phone
Referring Patients Link
Clinical Interests for Referring Providers
Medically-psychiatrically complex patients, including psychological evaluation for solid organ transplant recipients and donors.