Practice Locations

Assistive Technology Clinic
Center for Innovative Design and Engineering
1224 5th Street CU Denver Auraria Campus, Denver, CO 80204


Becky Breaux, MS

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


Practice Locations

Assistive Technology Clinic - Center for Innovative Design and Engineering
1224 5th Street, CU Denver Auraria Campus
Denver, CO 80204


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Provider Expertise


  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Assistive Technology

Conditions & Treatments

  • Rehabilitation Therapy

    Occupational Therapy

Education & Training

Undergraduate Schools

BS, University of Missouri System (MO) (1995)

Graduate Schools

MS, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (2001)

PhD, University of Colorado Denver (2024)

information for referring providers

Referral Contact Phone


Referral Contact Fax


Clinical Interests for Referring Providers

My clinical and research interests include looking at attitudes and common practices of OTs and PTs regarding the use of power mobility devices with young children who have locomotor disabilities, assessing effective access methods for people with disabilities, and integrating power wheelchair drive control systems with smart phones and mobile devices.