Matt Haemer, MD
Practice Locations
Children's Hospital Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Provider Expertise
Clinical Interest for Patients
I am interested in preventing and treating excess weight gain in children and adolescents. My practice includes identifying and managing the medical problems that sometime accompany excess weight gain in children.
Care Philosophy
I strive to empower families to be a collaborative partner in the medical care of children. I strive to share the process of decision making and recognize the unique insight of each family I meet.
- Pediatrics ( 2007 )
Conditions & Treatments
Food, Nutrition and Metabolism
Nutrition, Obesity, Weight Loss and Dieting
Interests & Activities
Personal Interests
When I'm not working, I love spending time with my wife, three children, cycling, and being outdoors.
Education & Training
Medical Schools
MD, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine (2004)
Undergraduate Schools
BS, Vanderbilt University (TN) (1999)
University of Washington Program (2005)
Residency Program
University of Washington Program (2007)
University of Colorado (2011)
University of Colorado (University Hospital) Program (2010)
Professional Memberships
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Member
American Society for Nutrition, Member
The Obesity Society, Member
Research & Grants
A University-Clinic-Community Collaborative to Prevent and Treat Childhood Obesity in Commerce City, CO (2010)
Research Interests for Patients
My interests are focused on testing ways that primary care providers and community resources can effectively prevent and treat childhood obesity.
information for referring providers
Referral Contact Phone
Referring Patients Link
Clinical Interests for Referring Providers
My clinical interests include general pediatric nutrition and childhood obesity. I am especially interested in treatment of excessive weight gain, childhood obesity, and management of comorbid conditions in children and adolescents.
Research Interest for Referring Providers
My research interests are focused on evaluating tools and resources or childhood obesity prevention and cost-effective methods of treatment. This includes studying methods of training and support for primary care providers to carry out optimal growth monitoring, lifestyle screening and counseling. My interests include evaluating partnerships of medical providers with community resources for healthy lifestyles to provide obesity prevention and treatment services. I am also a member of the Colorado-based research staff of the National Children's Study, a long term observational study of environmental, dietary, and genetic exposures on child health.