Ronald Wise, MD
Practice Locations
UCHealth Eye Center - LoDo
UCHealth Sue Anschutz-Rodgers Eye Center
UCHealth Eye Center - Cherry Creek
Provider Expertise
Clinical Interest for Patients
Dr. Wise is an ophthalmologist -- a physician who specializes in the medical and surgical care of the eyes and visual system and in the prevention and management of eye disease and injury. Dr. Wise specializes in corneal, cataract and refractive surgery, as well as trauma to the eye and visual system. Dr. Wise serves as a consultant to his medical colleagues regarding complex eye and visual system problems, including managing surgical complications.
- Ophthalmology ( 1995 , 2016 )
Conditions & Treatments
Eye and/or Orbital
Eyes and Vision
Corneal Disease, Dry Eyes, LASIK Surgery
Education & Training
Medical Schools
MD, University Of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa (1986)
University Of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa (1987)
University of Colorado (University Hospital) Program (1989)
Residency Program
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Program (1993)
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Program (1990)
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Program (1994)
Professional Memberships
American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), Member
American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (ASCRS), Member
Colorado Medical Society, Member
Colorado Society of Eye Physicians & Surgeons (CSEPS), Member
Denver Medical Society, Member
Research & Grants
Zoster Eye Disease Study (ZEDS) (2017)
information for referring providers
Referral Contact Phone
Referral Contact Fax
Referring Patients Link
Clinical Interests for Referring Providers
Dr. Wise is an ophthalmologist -- a physician who specializes in the medical and surgical care of the eyes and visual system and in the prevention and management of eye disease and injury. Dr. Wise specializes in corneal, cataract and refractive surgery, as well as trauma to the eye and visual system. Dr. Wise serves as a consultant to his medical colleagues regarding complex eye and visual system problems, including managing surgical complications.
Research Interest for Referring Providers
Complex Cataract Surgery, Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus, Corneal Trauma, Pediatric Keratoplasty, Ocular Graft versus Host Disease