Ang Li, MD
Practice Locations
UCHealth Neurology Clinic - Cherry Creek Medical Center
Provider Expertise
Clinical Interest for Patients
Narcolepsy, Sleep disturbance, Migraine, Numbness and tingling, Neuropathy
Care Philosophy
I believe in the importance of shared decision making and having a clear dialogue and communication between provider and patient. I also value both a western medicine and holistic approach to treating patients.
- Neurology
Conditions & Treatments
Brain and Nervous System
Migraine, Neuromuscular Diseases, Sleep Apnea, Sleep Disorders
Education & Training
Medical Schools
MD, Medical College of Wisconsin
Undergraduate Schools
BA, Washington University in Saint Louis (MO)
Residency Program
University of Wisconsin (Madison) Program
University of Wisconsin (Madison) Program
University of Wisconsin (Madison) Program
information for referring providers
Referral Contact Phone
Referral Contact Fax
Referring Patients Link
Clinical Interests for Referring Providers
Migraine, EMG, Sleep disorder, Carpal tunnel, Numbness and tingling