Lindsay Boothby, MD
Family Medicine
Practice Locations
Aurora Wellness Community Health Center
(720) 835-1125
Provider Expertise
- Family Medicine
Conditions & Treatments
Brain and Nervous System
Concussion Assessment, Migraine, Neuropathy, Sleep Apnea
Women's Health
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding, Contraception, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Menopause
Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT)
Dizziness and Vertigo, Ear Infection
Food, Nutrition and Metabolism
Nutrition, Obesity
Mental Health and Behavior
Anxiety / Worry / Panic Attacks, Attention / Motivation / ADHD, Chronic pain, Depression, Grief and loss, Insomnia, Maternal mental health, Postpartum Depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder, Trauma / PTSD
Bones, Joints and Muscles
Arthritis, Back Pain
Substance Abuse
Alcoholism, Drug Abuse, Smoking Cessation
Digestive System
Gastroesophageal Reflux, Hemorrhoids, Hepatitis C
Wellness and Prevention
Exercise and Physical Fitness
Men's Health
Lungs and Breathing
Child and Teen Health
Infant and Toddler Health, Parenting, Teen Health
Transgender Health for Adults
Wellness and Prevention - LGTBQIA+ PrEP
Complementary and Alternative Therapies
Endocrine System (Hormones)
Adult Type 2 Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Thyroid Disease
Pharmacotherapy for Weight Loss
Primary Care
Education & Training
Medical Schools
MD, Drexel University College of Medicine (2016)
Undergraduate Schools
BA/BS, University of Colorado - Boulder (CO) (2011)
Residency Program
Sutter Health Program (2019)
information for referring providers
Referral Contact Phone
Referral Contact Fax
(303) 362-6836