Breast reconstruction is a procedure to rebuild a breast, or breasts, to achieve symmetry and restore shape or volume. Breast reconstruction is typically undertaken after a biopsy or mastectomy is performed to treat or prevent breast cancer. It may also be indicated in conditions related to congenital breast asymmetry. There are several types of procedures that may be performed to reconstruct a breast, depending upon the use of implants versus your own tissue. It may require several procedures and can be started at the time of mastectomy or delayed. Your CU Plastic Surgery provider will work with you directly to determine your individualized approach.
What is breast reconstruction surgery?
Breast reconstruction is most commonly performed to recreate the shape of the breast after surgery for breast cancer.
Who may be considered a good candidate for breast reconstruction surgery?
Almost any woman who is otherwise in good health can be a good candidate for breast reconstruction surgery.
What is the typical expected recovery course after breast reconstruction surgery?
There are many options for breast reconstruction such as tissue expanders, direct to implant and flap surgery. They are all different, but in most cases you will need to plan for several weeks off from work to recover from surgery.
What type of results may be expected with breast reconstruction surgery?
Each person will have different results depending on how the breasts look before surgery, what type of surgery is needed for cancer treatment and whether radiation treatment is needed. Your surgeon will work with you to achieve the best possible results for you.
What are the usual steps involved in breast reconstruction surgery?
Breast reconstruction is usually performed as part of a team with your cancer surgeon, oncologist, and radiation oncologist. Each person will have a different path.
What are the potential risks associated with breast reconstruction surgery?
As with any surgery, there are risks of pain, bleeding, infection and scarring. Implants also carry the risk of rupture or needing to be removed. You may need additional surgical procedures if you experience complications.